Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Narrative in Educating Students of Pedagogy – Theoretical Reflections on Practical Implications

Keywords: appreciative inquiry, high performing organization, positive narrative, education of students of pedagogy, highly effective organization



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific aim of this article is to start a discussion on the application of the appreciative inquiry in working with students of pedagogy.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The main research problem of the article is closed in the question about the possibilities of applying the appreciative inquiry in educating students in the pedagogical fields. The literature analysis method concerning the foundations and evolution of the appreciative inquiry was used in conjunction with publications on positive organizational scholarschip.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The text presents the definitions of the concepts used, the theoretical foundations of the appreciative inquiry, its historical outline, the principles and stages of practical application, as well. What is more, High Performance Organization, which source takes place in the positive science of organization, was also outlined.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The appreciative inquiry, as a variety of action research oriented towards the optimization of organization, is most often used in management and marketing sciences. In the English-language literature during the last decades, the use of appreciative inquiry in education has been noted, but it is not mentioned in the native literature. The application of the appreciative inquiry in management sciences has very positive application effects. Transferring them in the area of academic education, especially within the class group, which can be perceived as an organization, it can be assumed that the application of this approach should be used not only as a way of solving problems, but, first of all, as an effective way of working with students.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The appreciative inquiry is an interesting and valuable way not only to solve problems in an organization, but, it can and should be used as a way of working with students of pedagogy, as well.


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How to Cite
Ciechowska, M. (2022). Appreciative Inquiry and Positive Narrative in Educating Students of Pedagogy – Theoretical Reflections on Practical Implications. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 11-20.