Mosaic Nature of Dialogue in Academic Tutoring
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to problematize and present the mosaic approach to the dimensions of dialogue in academic tutoring.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The considerations carried out in the article are aimed at solving the following research problem: “what are the structure and specific features of the mosaic approach to dialogue in academic tutoring?”. The method used in the process of constructing the scientific argumentation is problematization of issues, based on literature and the author’s experience gained during the “Masters of Didactics” project.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: In order to answer the research question, first, tutoring was characterised as an exemplification of personalised education (learning), and then the author focused on the problematization of three dimensions of dialogue in academic tutoring.
RESEARCH RESULTS: In the process of scientific analysis, three dimensions of dialogue were described (as a way of communication between the tutor and the tutee, a personal dialogue, and a motivational interviewing), showing the mosaic nature of dialogue in academic tutoring and the contribution of this process to the achievement of goals that complement one another.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS: In the mosaic approach to dialogue, each of its dimensions is important, and saturation of individual tutoring processes with them is conditioned by the factors corresponding to the personalization of education. Such an approach seems not only to legitimize and make varied tutoring practices more reflective, but it also inspires empirical research on the dimensions of dialogue at universities.
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