The Others in the Linguistic Picture of the World of Polish Students: Linguistic Reflection

Keywords: other, foreigner, enemy, associative profile, students


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of article is an attempt at reconstructing the images of other, foreign and enemy, fixed in the linguistic picture of the world of students.

THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH METHODS: The research problem is placed in the context of the discussion on the cultural meanings contained in the terms: other, foreign, enemy. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation began with the justification of selecting the research issues with an indication of the research assumptions of imagology as a theoretical and methodological approach to the analysis of the concept of otherness/strangeness/hostility in the context of the concept of identity. Secondly, both the research methodology applied and the criteria for classifying and describing the empirical material were discussed. The third part of the study is the analysis of the research results and the conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: On the basis of the analysis, it can be claimed that the terms other, alien and enemy hide many meanings and universal contents. From the perspective of linguistic analyses, the dual nature of the concepts discussed is particularly interesting. The denotative nature, multifaceted grounded is described in the dictionaries of the Polish language, it is a concrete reference to reality. The connotative one results from the fact that the features of the analysed objects are transferred to a wide range of facts from social life, and therefore, the symbolic relationship between the objects of the external world and the ideas about them functioning in the minds of the respondents ceases to be unambiguous.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Perceiving and experiencing the world according to the dichotomy of one’s own – other/foreigner/enemy is typical for each of us. More and more frequently, however, the concepts of the other/foreigner/enemy are used for propaganda purposes. 


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How to Cite
Gawarkiewicz, R. (2023). The Others in the Linguistic Picture of the World of Polish Students: Linguistic Reflection. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(61), 47-56.
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