Learning Hospitality as Taming the Stranger

Keywords: strangeness, familiarity, guest, multiculturalism, culture of hospitality


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This article aims to reflect on ways of understanding strangeness and practicing hospitality that can respond to mobility challenges and socio-cultural diversity in con- temporary societies.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: A research problem was posed: what is the origin of the treatment of strangers, and what forms of hospitality should be developed to respond to the problems arising from multiculturalism? The research is based on the analytical-synthetic method to review the literature on sociology.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article focuses on strangeness as opposition to familiarity. It discusses the different types of strangeness (internal, external, relative, radical) and the roles in which the stranger appears (guest, enemy, refugee). Then, the ways of practicing hospitality in selected epochs and cultures were presented, explaining the social significance of the rules and laws of hospitality. Recent discussions on the relationship between hospitality and law, authority, and the need for shaping attitudes of openness and care were presented.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The increasing multiculturalism of modern societies and the intensity of migration processes force us to reflect on how strangers are treated: as guests, risks or inevitabilities. It is urgent to find solutions that consider both the rights of hosts to protect their territory and the protection of migrants’ rights. Attitudes towards strangers, which are shaped during socialization, are crucial.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: An open attitude towards strangeness and understanding the encounter with it as an opportunity helps individuals discover their own identity and build social relationships based on the principles of a culture of hospitality.


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How to Cite
Kampka, F. (2023). Learning Hospitality as Taming the Stranger. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(61), 23-34. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2023.2261.04
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