Counter-Memory in Family Narratives: Monika Sznajderman's Pepper Counterfeiters as a Biographical Discourse of Postmemory and Countermemory

Keywords: postmemory, counter-memory, holocaust, biography, Monika Sznajderman


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this article is to analyze The Pepper Forgers as an effort to process and overcome postmemory trauma, and to situate it within the broader context of transformations in Polish cultural memory as a Foucauldian counter-memory discourse.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Using Hirsch’s concept of postmemory as “the intergenerational transmission of traumatic knowledge” as a starting point, the article examines the biographical discourses in The Pepper Forgers through the lens of Foucault’s concept of counter- memory in a narrative-discursive.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The Pepper Forgers serves as a literary representation of postmemory work. The book’s greatest originality lies in its attempt to combine the two communities of memory and suffering – Polish and Jewish – within the framework of a family biography.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Sznajderman’s book is not only an effort to process family postmemory but also a symptom of broader transformations in Polish cultural memory. It can be interpreted as a Foucauldian counter-memory discourse that challenges the dominant discourse of power.

CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: The Pepper Forgers exemplifies the transformative power of art in creating affective memory, which Landsberg terms prosthetic memory. It also illustrates an attempt to communicate and negotiate conflicting discourses, leading to the broadening and reevaluation of Polish cultural memory.


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How to Cite
Miklas-Frankowski, J. (2024). Counter-Memory in Family Narratives: Monika Sznajderman’s Pepper Counterfeiters as a Biographical Discourse of Postmemory and Countermemory. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(67), 127-135.