The Role of the Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centre in the Systemic Support of Students and Inclusive Education
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To discuss the role of psychological and pedagogical counselling centre in the systemic support of students, which is an indicator of inclusive education.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is the question: what role does counselling centre play today in the system of supporting children and adolescents in the perspective of inclusive education? The method was a case study of the institution, the techniques: data research (reports, legislation), the literature on the subject, the counseling centers’ own materials.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The assumptions of social inclusion and inclusive education were defined, providing the background for analysis on the role of psychological and pedagogical counselling centre in the systemic support given to students.
RESEARCH RESULTS: A support system of cooperating professionals is an important feature of inclusive education. Counseling centers appear to be institutions that have experience and developed own models for coordinating the support.
CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: In order to build a flexible system of support, cooperating professionals, the Ministry of Education has undertaken the task of organizing cross-sectoral support, understood as the integration of support activities for the child and family, implemented in three public sectors: health, social welfare and education. It is currently becoming important to develop a legislative basis, regulating the coordination of cross-sectoral support.
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