Therapeutic Aspects of Literary Proper Names in the Education of Preschool Children with Communication Difficulties
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the work is to emphasize the validity of using literary proper names for stimulation and/or language therapy at the level of all language subsystems, and also for developing social competences and emotional intelligence, as well.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is the issue of literary pseudonyms and their use in the therapy and linguistic, social and emotional education of pre- school children with communication difficulties. The analysis of selected texts in terms of the function and meaning of the onyms appearing in them, along with an exemplification of their use in the educational and therapeutic process, is the main methodological strategy adopted in this article.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The work highlights the need to improve language and communication skills through education in the field of key competencies, and it describes and char- acterizes them indicating the possibilities of using literary pseudonyms in the therapy of children with communication difficulties.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The onomastic layer of the selected works, in addition to the obvious and long-recognized functions - nominative, expressive, semantic, cultural, can also have an educational and therapeutic function. Appropriately and consciously selected onyms for therapy support the building lexical resources, understanding grammatical rules and meanings, obtaining the fluency in creating narratives and stimulation of cognitive processes and thought operations.
CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: In the speech therapy, pedagogical and psychological environment, there is a need to search for attractive and eclectic therapeutic activities. The article indicates new possibilities of enriching them by using literary pseudonyms for language and emotional education, and supporting students’ motivation and maintaining their attention. Thus, it expands the scope of psycholinguistic, speech therapy and pedagogical research.
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