Responsibilities of Special Education Teachers in Inclusive Education
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to look at the responsibilities of special education teachers within Poland’s mainstream education system, while situating them within a broader comparative framework – specifically by examining the established role of Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCo) in the British educational context.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The study deals with the issue of identifying the optimal range of responsibilities for the newly created role of special education teachers in Polish mainstream schools and preschools. These tasks are designed to meet the diverse needs of all children and students within these inclusive environments. To investigate this issue, the research employs a content analysis of relevant legal documents and conducts a comprehensive review of existing studies on the subject.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: At the heart of this study is a comparative analysis of the duties of special education teachers in Poland’s mainstream education system, as codified in legal statutes, and those of their counterparts in the British system, particularly the SENCo role. Moreover, the study examines the responsibilities envisioned for the role of Inclusive Education Coordinators as outlined in the Model of Education for All framework.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The findings indicate that the duties assigned to special education teachers in Polish mainstream institutions are significantly broader in scope than those associated with SENCo in the British system.
CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: Given that the role of special education teachers was only introduced in the previous academic year, there remains a significant gap in research on the actual implementation and efficacy of this position. One of the primary recommendations is to undertake more in-depth studies, with the potential to draw on the typologies of SENCo roles outlined in this paper to inform future research on the subject.
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