Individualism as a Concept
The article discusses the concept of individualism, referring to the subjectivity of human functioning, issues connected with their identity as well as a manner of thinking and behaving, characterised by otherness and distance from the actions of the community. First of all, the article presents how the concept of individualism is currently expressed in Polish language. Words and linguistic structures which are chosen by a contemporary language user in order to verbalise this concept are included within such semantic categories as: thinking, action, freedom, self-fulfilment, social contacts, and distinguishing oneself from other people. The core of this concept is constituted by the following words: individualism and individualist, which are the lexemes that represent individualism in a prototypical manner. The synonymous words relating to individualism and being at its centre are: individualisation, one's own, unique way of being. Other linguistic elements, which include the same meanings, to a greater or lesser degree, and create the centre of this concept, are: my self, an individual oneself and being oneself. The article also covers the issue concerning the extent to which a human being could have exercised the right to shape one's own destiny in the course of the history of humankind. The study also emphasises that individualism means fostering one’s belief in the uniqueness of one's own way of thinking and the resulting actions, without diminishing the importance of the way other people think and act. Individualism understood properly is the expression of the belief that it is worthwhile to devote one's life to something great, noble and it is conceptualised by the language users with a variety of evaluative terms such as: a real human being, an outstanding individual, a hero, as well as a personality and an outstanding personality. Literary works, music, paintings are the perfect expression of true human individuality, while a great artist is often described as a creative individual by the language users. False individualism is the result of egocentrism and leads to the alienation of an individual, with negative consequences both for a single human and the society.
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