• Tadeusz Wawak Jagiellonian University
Keywords: quality culture, management quality, entrepreneurship, liberal-entrepreneurial University, John Paul II



The purpose of this article is to present a concise summary of the concept of how functions of the modern university (including management) are perceived and to indicate the superiority of the concept of the liberal-entrepreneurial university as a guarantee of quality culture over the other models: the liberal university and the entrepreneurial university.


The author proposes a research hypothesis which states that the best way of development of higher education in Poland is the adoption and rapid implementation of the concept of liberal-entrepreneurial developing university, which is a guarantee for achieving the highest level of quality of work at universities both is case of managers and the people under the management, but also the highest level of their scientific development, creativity and entrepreneurship.

The author deals with the research problem, defined by the objective and the research hypothesis, using the results of several years of research on the quality of university management as the basis of the analysis. The specificity of research in management sciences (especially university management) is the reason why due to the constant interaction between the observer (professor) and the observed system (university) it is difficult to separate the observer from the observation object.

The researchers must simultaneously use different cognitive and practical methods, both quantitative and qualitative, which will allow for the testing objectives to be achieved and for the hypotheses to be verified. In this situation, the author has developed his own method, combining scientific and practical methods, which means that the pragmatic method, the empirical method, the formal method and the so-called understanding method are used in various combinations.


Universities must now make an independent decision, which direction to follow. When properly implemented, the concept of liberal-entrepreneurial university provides the necessary measures for self-financing the development as well as the high quality culture and the managed and the managers in universities.



The culture of quality in the scientific and research papers as well as in educational works and those related to the management of higher education and public universities, appointed by the Holy Father John Paul II, who said that "the tasks will require the academics to radically improve the quality of their work, performed at the research and teaching levels, and this will have to involve teachers and other university staff members, as well as undergraduate students and PhD students", should be an indication for the academic community and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

It is very important for the Polish economy and the quality of life that the culture of quality should, as soon as possible, fully replace the "culture of any quality", which can still be found in the walls of Polish universities, among the managers and the managed. Management in universities requires a pro-quality restructuring to ensure, in their functioning, an effective compliance, written down in their statutes of the university mission, a culture of quality and the correct implementation of the objectives of university, and not just the pursuit of money, both in case of employees and the university authorities.

The research conducted shows that the best concept of development of universities in Poland would be an attempt to achieve the highest quality of a liberal-entrepreneurial university, guaranteeing a high level of quality culture and a continuous development.

The modern university should be both liberal, referring to the characteristics of the concept of university by Wilhelm von Humboldt, and enterprising, meeting the requirements of the concept of university by Burton R. Clark. The characteristics of the liberal-entrepreneurial university guarantee a high level of quality culture that will ensure high quality of education and scientific research.


The research[1], conducted over the last several years, has proven that it is necessary to protect the quality of education and to increase the quality of research and publications. Therefore, entrepreneurship of universities in Poland should be monitored, and thus, in justified cases of fraud, partly limited by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

The authorities of each university should eliminate any emerging pathologies, including counteracting the interest groups functioning within the university (political parties, religious groups, groups with a different thinking, different coteries), affecting the functioning of the university. The university should also involve in blocking and weakening the actions of pressure groups and external interference of various institutions.

The universities managers should be mobilized to improve the quality of management, and those under management should be encouraged to improve the quality of their work performance. Only then it will be possible to gradually liberate science and higher education from excessive administrative burdens.

The transformation of the university into a liberal-enterprising university place as well as focusing on people who aim to improve the quality of their work (management and performance) requires a radical increase in funding for science and higher education and a noticeable increase in the quality of life of employees in science and higher education.


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Vol. 19, No. 51 (2020): Konferencja EDP 2020