Entrepreneurship and creativity as social competences required in various university subjects

  • Anna Sladek Wroclaw Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pedagogy, Higher Educational Didactic Division
Keywords: education, entrepreneurship, creativity, education for entrepreneurship, educational outcomes, social competences


Research Objective: The aim of the paper is the description of the way of understanding of entrepreneurship and creativity, which are described as social competences. The description is based on the analysis of the documents, which described learning outcomes of various educational fields and a few university subjects. The understanding of these competences is the basis for designing the educational process towards these outcomes.

The Research Problem and Methods: The research problem was to state the differences and similarities in the understanding of entrepreneurship and creativity, which are described as social competences in various educational fields and a few university subjects. The second problem was to state the extent to which these attitudes are connected with the character of education of a given university subject. The methods chosen for the research were document analysis and qualitative content analysis.

The Process of Argumentation: This paper shows the results of the content analysis of social competence on various fields of education and on a few chosen studies of different universities.

Research Results: The results of the analysis show that entrepreneurship and creativity are seen in rather general terms in almost all fields of education. Most commonly, the entrepreneurship is understood as shaping students' awareness of the importance of taking action and bearing its subsequent consequences. Creativity, in its turn, is associated with shaping the convictions of how important it is to improve one's personal and vocational competences. The analysis of social competences in the chosen university subjects shows that the understanding of entrepreneurship and creativity is similar. However, next to the importance of personal convictions (cognitive component), students' skills and behaviour patterns (behaviour component) are given much emphasis. The features and skills of entrepreneurial and creative people are also given considerable attention in both terms. The study of the way that these two attitudes are understood shows that the university subjects best adjusted to the character of education are: economics, musical studies (conducting) and pedagogical studies. Creating a more specific description of social competences, adjusted to the character of a given university subject, will certainly benefit teachers responsible for shaping the educational process. When the description of entrepreneurship and creativity as attitudes is too general, it may cause their marginalization in the educational process.

Conclusions, Innovations and Recommendations: The conclusion is crowned with an appeal for further research focused on the connection between the formal description of social competences and their practical implementation by teachers in the educational process. 

Author Biography

Anna Sladek, Wroclaw Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pedagogy, Higher Educational Didactic Division

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How to Cite
Sladek, A. (2016). Entrepreneurship and creativity as social competences required in various university subjects. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 15(34), 195-210. https://doi.org/10.17399/HW.2016.153411