The concept of University and entrepreneurship: from traditional to contemporary model of connections between university and the market

  • Jarosław Kucharski Jesuit Univwrsity Ignatianum in Krakow
Keywords: ethics of organization, social responsibility, markets, stakeholders



The aim of the paper is to presents some aspects of argument between traditional, skeptical view of connections between universities and the market and modern proposition of cooperation based on the concept od stakeholders.


The tension between two main functions of university – focusing on mere research and providing various services to society – in the main problem explained in the text. Philosophical analysis is the main method used.


The text starts with a brief presentation of an ancient Greek argument about whether to commercialize the knowledge or not. Second various traditions of university are presented. Then the traditional argument for understanding autonomy of an university as a core value of an university is criticized. The inconsistency between taking the function of university as concentration on mere research and Kantian formula of categorical imperative is also presented. Finally, the idea of considering all the preferences of stakeholders of the university is presented.


The possibility of mutually beneficial cooperation between university and various market, based on considering the interests of stakeholders, is presented.


The conclusion is to show possible ways of constructive cooperation between universities and market. The concept of balanced cooperation between universities and markets is proposed.


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How to Cite
Kucharski, J. (2016). The concept of University and entrepreneurship: from traditional to contemporary model of connections between university and the market. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 15(35), 93-108.
Vol. 19, No. 51 (2020): Konferencja EDP 2020