Adoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law – subjective interpretation of the author

  • Marta Prucnal-Wójcik Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: adoption, child, homosexual, the best interests of the child, Polish family law




The purpose of this article is to present arguments against the admissibility of adoption of a child by a homosexual person in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law. It has to be emphasized that the article presents solely subjective author’s interpretation of Polish legal provisions regulating the institution of adoption.


Since Polish legislator has not explicitly accepted or prohibited the adoption of a child by a homosexual person, the question of the admissibility of adoption of a child by such a person is raised in light of the principles of family law in force in Poland. There has been applied the method of critical and comparative analysis as well as the analysis of the reference Polish literature, rulings of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland and Polish reference legislation.  


After having initially defined the aim of the study, the author indicates the function and purpose of the adoption and its premises. Two basic premises of adoption are explained in detail - the premise of the best interests of the child and the appropriate personal qualifications of the adopter. The essential part of the argumentation is to find the answer to the question on whether adoption of a child by a homosexual person in light of Polish family law is admissible or not.  


The result of this research is the statement of inadmissibility of adoption of a child by homosexuals in light of Polish family law. 


The analysis confirmed the author’s opinion that adoption of a child by a homosexual person/ homosexuals appears to be in contradiction with the principle of the child's best interests principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law.



Legal acts:

Konstytucja Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej z 02.04.1997 r., Dz. U. Nr 78, poz. 483, z późn. zm. (The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997)

Ustawa z dnia 25.02.1964 r. - Kodeks rodzinny i opiekuńczy, Dz. U. z 2017 r., poz. 682 (The Family and Guardianship Code of 1964)

International conventions:

Konwencja ONZ o prawach dziecka z 20.11.1989 r., Dz.U. z 1991 r., Nr 120, poz. 526 (The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989)

Europejska Konwencja o przysposobieniu dzieci z 24.4.1967 r., Dz.U. z 1999 r., Nr 99, poz. 1157 (European Convention on the Adoption of Children of 1967)

Konwencja haska o ochronie dzieci i współpracy w dziedzinie przysposobienia międzynarodowego z 29.5.1993 r., Dz. U. z 2000 r., Nr 39, poz. 449 (The Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption of 1993)

Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland:

Uchwała SN z 9.6.1976 r., III CZP 46/75, OSNCP 1976, Nr 9, poz. 184.

Uchwała SN z 26.04.1952 r., C. Prez. 798/51, OSN 1952, nr 1, poz. 1.

Orzeczenie SN z 30.09.1952 r., C 1513/52, OSNCK 1954 nr 1, poz. 5, PiZS 1953 nr 5-6, poz. 814.

Orzeczenie SN z 6.09.1968 r., I CR 249/68, OSNPC 1969, poz. 32.

Uchwała SN z 9.6.1976 r., III CZP 46/75, OSNCP 1976, Nr 9, poz. 184.

Orzeczenie SN z 25.10.1983 r., III CRN 234/83, OSNCP 1984 nr 8, poz. 135, OSPiKA 1985 nr 7, poz. 134, OSPiKA 1986 nr 1, poz. 2, OSPiKA 1985 nr 7, poz. 134, OSPiKA 1986 nr 1, poz. 2.

Orzeczenie SN z 30.03.1962 r., OSNCP 1963 nr 2, poz. 47.

Uchwała SN z 9.6.1976 r.,III CZP 46/75, OSNCP 1976, Nr 9, poz. 184.


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How to Cite
Prucnal-Wójcik, M. (2017). Adoption of a child by homosexuals in light of the best interests of the child principle in accordance with its understanding in Polish family law – subjective interpretation of the author. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 16(37), 9-23.
Vol.16, No.37 (2017): The Authonomy of the Family in the Modern World