Post-divorce Parental Agreements – Comparative Legal Analysis

Keywords: parental custody, parental responsibility, divorce, parental agreement


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present a comparative analysis of legal regulations in selected European countries that regulate issues regarding the possibility for parents to conclude agreements on exercise of parental custody after divorce with regard to their minor children.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The presented research problem concerns the answers to the following questions: Can divorcing parents conclude agreements between themselves referring to the way of exercising parental custody after divorce with regard to their minor children? If so, are these agreements subject to scrutiny by a competent authority? Searching for the answers to the above questions, the author used the method of analysis of adequate legal provisions of selected European countries.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Analysing the provisions in force in the internal legislation of selected European countries (Poland, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Hungary), the author presented the adopted legal solutions regulating issues related to the scope of parental custody after divorce, including these that relate to the possibility for parents to make agreements concerning the way of parental custody after divorce.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The legislation of each of these five countries allows parents to make agreements concerning the way of parental custody after divorce. In Poland, Austria, Sweden and Hungary parental agreements require court approval.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Due to the editorial requirements regarding the length of the article, the author limited the analysis of legal regulations concerning the issue in question to the legislation of five selected European countries. In the longer term, it seems justified and interesting to analyse the legal solutions in force in other countries both European and non-European.


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How to Cite
Prucnal-Wójcik, M. (2021). Post-divorce Parental Agreements – Comparative Legal Analysis. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(54), 11-21.