Distance Education During the COVID-19 Outbreak in the Experiences of Polish Students – Perception of the Possibility of Getting Help at School

Keywords: distance learning, covid-19 outbreak, well-being, polish school, psychological support


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research was to find out about the perception of the possibility of getting help at school during the COVID-19 outbreak.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The participants were students (N = 1955) aged 9 to 20, studying in primary and secondary schools. The survey diagnostic method was used. The collected data were statistically analyzed using descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, significance difference tests (chi-square test).

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The text presents the theoretical background of the research, methods, and research trajectory and results with interpretations.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Students estimate that in a difficult situation they will rather get help from the form-teachers, than from the school psychologist. Every fifth student does not know whether there is a psychologist at school, and 5% of them declare that there is no psychologist. More than one-third of students have a low assessment of the possibility of receiving help from a psychologist at school. Rural schools’ students believe that their possibility to obtain help from a school psychologist has lowered during the pandemic outbreak.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In the functioning of schools during a pandemic, regardless of whether it is stationary or distance, the special care should be taken for the availability of psychological help, especially in rural schools and it is necessary to build students’ awareness of how and to whom they can report their problems at school.



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How to Cite
Jaskulska, S., Jankowiak, B., Marciniak, M., & Klichowski, M. (2022). Distance Education During the COVID-19 Outbreak in the Experiences of Polish Students – Perception of the Possibility of Getting Help at School. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(57), 119-130. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2022.57.12