The concept of educator in the text “Prawo dziecka do szacunku” by Janusz Korczak

Keywords: concept, education, HISTORY OF EDUCATION, EDUCATOR


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific aim of the article is to describe the term educator verbalized in it.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem posed in the paper concerns the answer to the question how Janusz Korczak assessed the atitudes of educators towards the child. The method adopted during the preparation of the article is the semantics and structural analysis of the pedagogical text.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article analyzes the narrator’s statements regarding the educator’s negative attitude towards children.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analyzed old scientific text in the field of pedagogy, still brings up‑to‑date findings regarding pedagogical practice.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDTIONS: Janusz Korczak’s pedagogical texts should be included in the reading canon of theoreticians and practitioners of education.


Korczak, J. (1929). Prawo dziecka do szacunku. Wydawnictwo J. Mortkowicza; Nakład T‑wa Wydawniczego w Warszawie.

Korczak, J. (1939). Pedagogika żartobliwa. Moje wakacje. Gadaninki radiowe Starego Doktora. Towarzystwo Wydawnicze w Warszawie.

How to Cite
Sieradzka-Baziur, B. (2021). The concept of educator in the text “Prawo dziecka do szacunku” by Janusz Korczak . HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(55), 129-133.