Narrative as a Restoration of the Humanistic Dimension in the Phenomenological Pedagogy of Max van Manen

Keywords: Max van Manen, narrative, anecdote, phenomenology of practice, human science research


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main consideration of this analysis is tightly connected with the theoretical and methodological achievements of one of the leading representatives of phenomenological pedagogy in the world; professor emeritus of University of Alberta, Max van Manen. The aim is to show the importance of narrative research as one of the ways of protecting the normative dimension in research reflection and action.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The main research problem is related with the place of narrativity and anegdote in his concept of phenomenology of practice as a way of care for and development of humanistic dimension in the pedagogical research. The reflection process was conducted on the basis of an content analysis fundamental for the most important monographs and articles of Max van Manena in the field.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of argumentation was divided into two parts. The main part of the analysis is divided into two parts. The first concerns the understanding of narration as a form of reflection and moral action, the second section focuses on the role of anecdotes as a tool for narrative research.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The results of the analysis show the methodological value and the ethical importance of narrative research in the inquiry for finding answers to the question of what knowledge we really need as a person and as a community.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: One of the most important conclusions and postulates is the consideration and search for ways of accessing what Max van Manen calls pathic knowledge in pedagogical research.


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MacIntyre, A. (1981). After virtue. A study in moral theory. University of Notre Dame Press.

Van Manen, M. (1989a). By the light of anecdote. Phenomenology + Pedagogy, 7, 232-253.

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Van Manen, M. (1994). Pedagogy, virtue and narrative identity in teaching. Curriculum Iquiry, 24(2), 135-170.

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How to Cite
Krupska, M. (2022). Narrative as a Restoration of the Humanistic Dimension in the Phenomenological Pedagogy of Max van Manen. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 69-78.