Editorial: Narration in Education Research


Conducting narrative research in the educational space is gaining more and more interest among researchers who notice their unique, specific character expressed in two dimensions: objective and functional, thus, narrative perceived as a story and activity revealing the narrator’s narrative abilities and competences. Brian Schiff points out that narration indicates the expressive activity of a person. What is more, he notices that one of most important functions of narrative is to present human experience and interpret his/her life in the particular time and space. Therefore, narrative makes them “here and now.”  Such understanding of it is the starting point for shaping the narrative approach of the participants to the research process in a qualitative strategy that can be defined as a narrative strategy. It requires the use of principles, methods and narrative techniques  enabling  such  collection  and  analysis  of  data,  the  interpretation  of  which  will favor a deepened perception of the research object and subject who can discover and disclose own personal, social, cultural or spiritual identity more fully. This cognitive aspect determined by the goal and experience of the research subject fits in with the concept of narrative construction of reality by Jerome Bruner.

How to Cite
Kaczor, A., & Szymańska, M. (2022). Editorial: Narration in Education Research. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 7. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2022.2159.02