Corporeality and Identity of the Subject

Keywords: body, corporeality, subject, identity, humanistic and social discourse


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to present a synthetic description of corporeality (“including” the body) and its relation to the identity of the subject conceived in “yet an- other” way in contemporary humanistic and social discourse.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem addressed in this article concerns the relationship between corporeality and the identity of the subject. In order to establish it, it is necessary to ask the question what meanings are given to the body and corporeality in contemporary humanistic and social discourse. The author applies the principle of research framing based on a prior qualitative analysis of the selected literature on the subject. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first part of the paper presents the category, term and concept of the body in contemporary humanistic and social discourse. This serves as a pretext, but above all as a basis for reflecting on the impossibility of treating the body and corporeality separately. These considerations lead to disclosing the identification of corporeality (and, hence, the body, although the paper does not address the topics of having a body, being in the body, being outside the body) as the source and matrix of the subject’s identity.

RESEARCH RESULTS: A conceptualisation of corporeality as the source and matrix of the subject’s identity is presented on the basis of a qualitative analysis of selected literature on the subject.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Assuming that when thinking about the subject and its identity, corporeality and its conceptualisations constitute their framework, what is important is what they are and how they can be different, also different from the conceptualisation presented in the paper, and how the subject and its identity are presented in their context


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How to Cite
Walczak, A. (2023). Corporeality and Identity of the Subject. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(62), 11-20.
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