The Finnish Model of Inclusive Education – an Unmatched Ideal or a Viable Model of Good Practice?

Keywords: inclusive education, barriers to inclusive education, finnish education system, teachers’ opinions, optimization of education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The research presented here was aimed at finding out Polish teachers’ perspectives on the Finnish education model, which is widely regarded as exemplary, and to assess the feasibility of applying its principles to the Polish education system, particularly in relation to inclusive education.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The study focused on three main questions: What factors characterizing the Finnish education system are relevant to the quality of inclusive education? Which of these factors are already present in the Polish education system? Which factors from the Finnish model should be implemented in the Polish education system? The study involved 258 Polish teachers and utilized a quantitative approach, employing a diagnostic survey method, a questionnaire technique, and a self-developed survey questionnaire.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The analysis focused on identifying the barriers to inclusive education based on recent research and the changes needed to improve the effective- ness of the Polish education system. This evaluation was grounded in a comparison with the key characteristics of the Finnish system and its relevant solutions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The results indicate that the key areas for improvement, according to the respondents, are the professional preparation of teachers, efforts to raise the prestige of the teaching profession, and improvements in working conditions, particularly those related to school climate.

 CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND APPLICABLE VALUE OF RESEARCH: The Finnish education system is not only effective but also inclusive of all students. As such, its solutions can serve as a model for Polish teachers and policymakers as they work towards making the Polish education system more inclusive. Implementing the study’s findings may contribute to improving the Polish education system and fostering its inclusiveness.


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How to Cite
Cierpiałowska, T., Kyrö-Ämmäla , O., & Lubińska-Kościółek, E. (2024). The Finnish Model of Inclusive Education – an Unmatched Ideal or a Viable Model of Good Practice?. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 23(68), 83-93.

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