Reflections on the Meaning and Place of the Narrative in School. Selected Aspects

Keywords: narration, narrative competence, education, dialog, therapy


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to define the place and role of narration in the educational field and to present the key stages of building narrative competence.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The research problem is to assess whether contemporary Polish schools could provide narrative space in education and care. Evaluation of the source literature was conducted.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Several definitions of narration and narrative were provided. Educational benefits of a narrative mode of thinking were discussed, as well as the positive impact of students’ autonarrations on the process of providing psychological and pedagogical support. Narrative competence development was described.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Narrative mode of thinking and autonarration are important resources that can help professionals in teaching and providing students with psychological and pedagogical support. It is essential to provide students with a “secure base” in order for them to develop narra- tive competence, which can be a challenge in schools that apply a transmissive model of pedagogy.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Narratives take a special place in the educational system. They allow to gain the knowledge about the world, understand reality, but also obtain the knowledge about yourself. They are a communication medium: student – teacher – educator – psychologist. The educational space should take into account and strengthen the above functions, lay emphasis on shaping narrative competence, as well. Work on an educational ground has also to focus on the diagnosis and removal of barriers that inhibit narrative and self- narrative thinking, thus, thanks to it, move away from the student assessment in favor of dialogue


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How to Cite
Czyż, A., & Sobczak, M. (2022). Reflections on the Meaning and Place of the Narrative in School. Selected Aspects. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(59), 99-108.