Education through nature - selected contemporary aspects

Keywords: nature, cyberpark, digital hygiene, education through nature


The aim of the article is to present the beneficial influence of nature on people who are very much immersed in the virtual world today.  Today there is a need to educate people to interact with nature.  Contact with nature is a factor that minimizes the risks associated with new media.

The research issues were formulated in the form of the following questions: what is the value of nature for a human functioning in a digital-information society?  how to educate the youngest generation to contact with nature today?  The method of analysis and synthesis of the literature was used and the results of research relevant to the problem under study were used.

 The starting point for the undertaken analyzes are the results of empirical studies  indicating: excessive use of new electronic media, digital fatigue of children and adolescents and the positive influence of nature.  In the course of the analyzes it was shown that a balance between technology and nature is necessary today, therefore new tasks appear in the field of education - education in, for and through nature.

 Reflection on the undertaken issues indicates the multifaceted influence of nature on humans.  The analysis revealed that nature helps to maintain mental, physical and spiritual balance and to avoid digital fatigue, therefore the upbringing process supplemented with the dimension of nature is important.

 The need to educate children and young people for direct contact with nature was noticed.  An educational triad was proposed and presented - education in, for and through nature, which should be implemented by all educational environments.  Moreover, the need for media synergy with nature was noticed in the media society era in order to encourage children to be in nature.  Cyberpark was presented as an example of the above-mentioned synergy.


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How to Cite
Błasiak, A., & Wilkosz, K. (2020). Education through nature - selected contemporary aspects. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(52), 57-67.