Editorial: Ignatian Pedagogy in a Complex and Ambiguous World


Continuing the reflection on Ignatian pedagogy that began in the previous issue of Horizons of Education, we join the ongoing celebrations of the Ignatian Year. 500 years ago, Ignatius Loyola was amazed by the fact that what gives a man a sense of purpose and meaning of life, takes place in the world of inner human experience. The modern world, described by many as a VUCA world, is marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Such a perspective generates the need of constant adaptation of both individuals and communities to the realities of the world surrounding them. The  celebrated Ignatian  year  invites  to  take  a  new  look  at  the  Ignatian  “inheritance”  and  see  many  areas of human reflection and activity from an Ignatian perspective. For several centuries, Ignatian pedagogy has enabled man to face fundamental issues in a  specific way and develop his own path of experiencing life and development. Thanks to the specific suggestion of Ignatius Loyola, who recommended in the tradition initiated by himself to adapt to people, place and time, Ignatian pedagogy is one of the possibilities to adapt to reality in a complex and ambiguous world.

How to Cite
Dybowska, E. (2022). Editorial: Ignatian Pedagogy in a Complex and Ambiguous World. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(57), 7. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2022.57.02