Editorial: Taming the otherness


The first issue of this year's "Horizons of Education" was scheduled for March 2023.Three years have just passed since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and a year since the outbreak of war in Ukraine took place.  Inviting Authors to publish their texts in this issue, we assumed that the global  changes we are witnessing make us reflect in a special way on the experience of meeting a new, an unknown, a stranger. We wanted to look at the consequences of this meeting, on the one hand, negative – in the form of conflicts and prejudices, but, on the other one, positive – such as empathy, commitment and openness.

How to Cite
Rostek, I., & Szewczyk-Zakrzewska, A. (2023). Editorial: Taming the otherness. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(61), 5. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2023.2261.01