Editorial: Contemporary Discourses in Education
The open society needs (…) open educational policy, open-minded teachers, students and parents in order to change education conditions towards a better used capability of the human brain, and the development of abilities of every school agent in fast-changing surrounding and society (Śliwerski, 2017, p. 28 ‑29). Education as a factor in forming social structure (and one of the markers refers to stratification processes) is encompassed in the processes and phenomena in the realms of society, economy, and politics (Gromkowska-Melosik, 2008, p. 20). Each change, including education, can develop into an area of potential conflicts. Public (and scientific) discourses on issues of change will erupt into a battleground for different narratives, different views on educational reality and its functional context. Not only does this dispute touch a pragmatic dimension, but also an axiomatic one. Excerpt from questions concerning the issues of education reform, there are other basic questions: what is the meaning of education in today’s world? What are the purposes and objectives of education? Contemporary discourses in education will become a platform for voiced concerns about change, where a new knowledge about education will be produced, and educational resources are confirmed, negated, or reinterpreted.The articles collect in the current volume of “Horyzonty Wychowania” are incorporated into a wide stream of educational studies, are voices to the discussion on contemporary education from a perspective in social and humanistic sciences. We are welcomed to read upon ideas discussed in texts by our Authors.Copyright (c) 2018 Mirosław Kowalski
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